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Education worked for me.


links to David M Howie BSc BA (Hons) PPE (open)


On returning to higher education in 2014 at the young age of thirty-one, the plan was not to get my MSc by 2020. The goal was to find “the self” and to get back on the path forward. The world had beat me to my knees. It would have kept me there permanently if I had let it. I required a project, something to focus my mind. I selected to study politics, philosophy and economics with the Open University for three reasons. (1) I had joined a UK political party that same year. Understanding the UK political framework was essential, as my objective was to use politics to improve the lives of people with disabilities. (2) I had had the feeling that I had completed the wrong undergraduate degree after school. The opportunity to study part-time for free with a Scottish government grant was a fantastic opportunity. (3) I required a hand to get back on the path, The Open University in 2014 provided that hand.    

The Open University 2014-2019               

The structure of The Open University is significantly different from what Open University students call ‘brick universities’. The Open University has three levels: the requirements for passing each level is to complete two modules (120 credits). As the Scottish government were paying for my second undergraduate degree, I decided to complete all 360 credits. That was possibly my first mistake or at least my first perceived mistake. I had a preconception that I was going to be studying politics, philosophy and economics from day one. Instead, my first 120 credits with The Open University taught ‘Introducing the social sciences’. Reading the two books affiliated with Introducing the social sciences, now, it is easy to see just how well written and edited The Open University books are. Back in 2014/15, my “synaptic self” (my brain), however, struggled to understand the importance of studying the infrastructure and institutions. And how infrastructure and institutions provide an understanding of “place” and the politics which govern that place.

     The point which I am trying to lead the readers to understand is due to living with the long term side effects of a childhood brain tumour and stroke. My brain takes longer to process the data (what the mind sees and hears) and turn the data into knowledge. I remember one of my tutors during my first 120 credits with The Open University suggesting “I don’t write the way I speak.” My younger brother always reinforced that thinking saying ones writing will be more legible and flow better if the “writing flows the same as speech.” In academic writing, that is a point which is not possible to overemphasise.

Why my marks do not reflect my understanding    

The main reasons why my module marks did not reflect my understanding of the subject area is due to the vastness of the subject area. To clarify that point, what content an essay can contain is dependent on the word constraint. For example, I wish to keep this blog post under 1000 words. Therefore, there is a restriction on the information I can provide. However, with regards to academic writing, I try to say too much, which resulted in critical areas of the essay not been, defined,  developed and discussed. I know most readers of this blog will not have had a brain tumour & stroke and will most likely not identify as disabled. Therefore, the reaction to what I said above could receive the dismissive view that that is common knowledge. Common knowledge for someone that’s has not had a brain tumour or stroke, perhaps. For me, however, it has taken six years to grasp that point entirely.     

 Glasgow Caledonian University: My MSc - 2020  

I write this blog post, as I wait for confirmation that I have passed my re-sit and can therefore complete my dissertation. It is ironic but failing parts of the modules which prevented me from handing in my dissertation this month. Could have been the best thing which could have happened. Failing and COVID-19 have helped me reflect on how I see myself and my professional identity. I should make it clear that I had help and a lot of feedforward from lecturers over the re-sit timeframe, for that am grateful. The point I want to make clear to the reader and society more generally is this, during that feedforward/re-sit period. I was encouraged to embrace my disability. And to see my lived experiences as part of my professional identity. The most important thing I’ll take away from my six years of higher education. And I hope the reader will take away from reading this post, is this, lived experiences matter. My lived experiences shaped me as an individual, lived experiences also shaped my professional identity, which I want society to see.

     Completing my MSc or been close to has provided me with a lot of self-confidence. I feel as if I can now communicate my ideas in a way which are readable and straightforward to understand. If there is a criticism I have, though, it is I feel as though to be accepted as an academic. I have had to give up a lot of thoughts to give my writing legitimacy. The point I am making, yes, it requires more research, is society can not change because social norms will not let it. And social norms will not change because no one will challenge them.    


To conclude, I want to remind the reader that my academic journey was my way to find my path and move forward with life. If you have lost your course, I suggest doing something which makes you happy. You will never know the road ahead may find you.   



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